January 06, 2012

Introductions are Necessary

I moved to Nashville 2 weeks ago. It still kind of freaks me out to say that I'm a Nashvillian. This city seems so huge, which is odd considering I just moved from a city with a quarter million more people. I moved here for a rockin' job, my sweet family is much closer, and I have lots of friends from college here. The only problem is all of my friends here are either married, engaged, or in a very serious relationship and, if you couldn't tell from the title of this blog, I am not. Now I don't find anything wrong with being single. I'm quite enjoying it most of the time actually. I've done the long term relationship thing. Actually, I was a serial monogamist from the time i was 14 until I was 22/23 so being single in a new city feels liberating and exciting. However, a lot of the time it also feels frustrating and exhausting. These feelings on the sadder end of the spectrum are perpetuated by the fact that all of my pre-existing friends in this new city of mine are coupled off . You think I am kidding when i say all, I am not, literally every last one of my college girlfriends in this city is now a "we."

So you're saying to yourself, geez, Last Single Girl Standing, get of your butt and go make some friends. And I will exclaim back to you "Gladly!" The only problem here, is that I have never had to make friends outside of school. I went straight from high school to college, and straight from college to law school. School gives you instant friends who then introduce you to their other friends and so on and so forth. Making friends when I was in school was simple. Now, I don't know what I'm doing. Its creepy to meet girlfriends by picking them up in a bar and I'm certainly not going to one of those mix and mingle things that are always on the radio. So how do i meet people? Do i walk down the hallways at work and put my head in every office asking them if they will "pleeeeeeeease be my friend?" I am so completely lost at how to make friends in this new world, the real world.

So give me leave me some comments and let me know how you made friends when you moved to a new city. Did you meet people through work or reach out to people who were just mere acquaintances through Facebook. Let me know how you did it and I will keep you updated on my trials and tribulations of navigating a new city!

A big ole kiss and all my love,
The Last Single Girl Standing

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